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مستجدات تربوية ملخصات جذاذات دروس فروض امتحانات

مستجدات التعليم


مستجدات التعليم
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Quiz English language in 2 second year baccalaureat 1 session - answer

أسئلة و تمارين الفرض المحروس ثانية باك مع التصحيح

*/ Write down your answers in the spaces.

  1. Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given.
    1. They should pay the bill.
          The bill 
    2. Someone has removed the tables.
          The tables 
    3. Although they are friends, they don't trust each other.
           In spite of 
  2. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form.
    1. She phoned her parents as soon as she  the letter.
    2. She stopped  because the food was not well cooked.
    3. By tomorrow afternoon, Leila  for Madrid.
    4. You'd better  revising your lessons before it is too late.
    5. You don't need  them your Identity Card.
    6. Why is he here? I don't remember  him at all.
  3. Put the words between brackets in their correct form.
    1. This job requires  and reliability.
    2. Your  is much appreciated here.
    3. Empowering women in rural areas is this association's first  .
    4. The students need more  to go on with their studies.
  4. Match the words that go together to make appropriate collocations.

a. diversity
1. culturalb. shock1. cultural
2. moralc. oportunity2. moral
d. obligation

  1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or expressions from the list

initiativegendercompliancevaluesaltruismcommon good

    1. The government Rural-Urban linkage is a highly valued 
    2. Citizens are supposed to work for the  of their community.
    3.  criticism is unacceptable. Women are not fragile at all.
  1. Match each sentence with its appropriate function.

a. cause & effectb. additionc. complaintd. concessione. definingf. adviceg. apology

    1. I'm sorry to say this, but you are driving too fast.    []
    2. Leadership means the ability to lead a group.    []
    3. We were all tired; nonetheless, nobody seemed to stop working.   []
    4. Smoking brings about death from cancer.    []
  1. Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrasal verbs from the list.

give upput uptake offbring uptake upkeep upput off

    1. He finally decided to  smoking.
    2. In Morocco, we  our shoes  before entering a room.
    3. The rules to protect identity must with technology.

Descriptive Writing

Write about a funny person you know: 
These questions might help you:
  • Who is the person?
  • How old is s/he?
  • What does s/he do?
  • What does s/he look like?
  • What kind of clothes does s/he usually put on?
  • What is s/he like?
  • What is funny about him / her?
  • What do the others think about him /her?
  • What do you like about him / her?
  • What's your final impression?

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الأستاذ ابراهيم


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